Silk Flame, Belly Dance Fan Veils, Tanna Valentine

Silk Flame, Belly Dance Fan Veils, Tanna Valentine

Created by Tanna Valentine, New York-based star of belly dance, Silk Flame is a workshop presenting technique, dance vocabulary, and practice sessions for belly dance with fan veils.
Originating in Asian dance forms, fan veils have become one of the most dazzling and versatile props in bellydance. The delicate ripples, flame-like swirls, and larger-than-life air patterns of a fan veil mimic and complement the dancer's fluid gliding movement, accented hipwork, and dramatic poses, and allow her to create a rich and glamorous show.

Tanna Valentine offers detailed breakdown of the complete fan veil technique and vocabulary in 4 sections:
1. Accents and Ripples
2. Frames and Poses
3. Air Patterns
4. Traveling and Turning

Tanna guides you in exploring and practicing dozens of moves with tips on how to get your fan veil silk to follow your command, and on how to make your veil trajectories larger, cleaner and more precise. She provides full professional guidance on the showmanship aspects of fan veil dance, such as how best to sequence your moves, how to make use of the performance space, and also offers suggestions on how to care for your fan veils.

Whether a student of belly dance or a professional, you will find both inspiration and a treasury of skills in Tanna Valentine's Silk Flame workshop. Enjoy!
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Silk Flame, Belly Dance Fan Veils, Tanna Valentine